a mom and her baby in front of a laptop - the featured image for the article on gadgets to make busy mom's life easier

21 Handy Gadgets to Make the Busy Mom’s Life Easier

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Kitchen Tools, Smart Devices, and More Things a Mom Needs to Simplify Daily Life

Speaking from personal experience, a mom’s life is busy. There’s no getting around it.

And whether you’re a busy mom or not, you’re well aware that every little bit of time is precious — especially when you’re trying to run an entire household.

Luckily, in today’s world, there are quite a few handy little devices that can help to simplify and streamline daily life.

Are you a busy mom? Or are you someone who is trying to make life a little bit easier for your mom or significant other? 

Either way, we’ve gotcha covered! Today, we’re sharing a list of the best gadgets to make the busy mom’s life easier. 

From handy kitchen appliances to the more “fun” personal devices, we’re going to cover absolutely everything that we truly believe can make life a little bit simpler. 

Without further delay, let’s get started.

pin for 21 gadgets to make busy mom's life easier

1. Air Fryer

My air fryer is, hands-down, one of my favorite kitchen appliances. 

Finally, you can achieve delicious crispiness…without submerging your deep fried foods in a vat of grease (and stinking up the entire house while you’re at it). 

Typically, I just spritz a little bit of olive oil onto the food but, depending on what I’m frying, sometimes I might cook it without any oil at all. 

2. Robot Vacuum

eufy robovac

My Eufy is another household favorite. Honestly, I normally wouldn’t ever suggest giving a woman a cleaning product as a gift — but this is one exception I’m willing to make.

Seriously, cleaning floors is one of my absolute least favorite chores, so I’m all over anything that can help me avoid it! 

And you can even program it to run at certain times every day if you want. (Although, with kids around, I’d rather choose when to run it and make sure everything is picked up off the floor first, otherwise it tends to get caught on everything.)

And if Mom hates mopping, grab a robot mop while you’re at it to help make her life all that much easier.

3. Smart Speaker

google home mini smart speaker simplifies life for the busy mom

There are a lot of different options to choose from, depending on your personal preference, but we use the Google Home Mini speakers. The Echo Dot is another affordable option.

They’re pretty inexpensive, and you can stream music through them, ask a question, set reminders, or even use them as your virtual assistants.

4. Shower Scrubber

Scrubbing the shower is no fun at all, so anything that makes the task a little easier is pure gold. 

Just charge it up, spray down the shower, and this handy little scrubbing device will do all the hard work for you. 

You can also get a smaller power scrubber for other parts of the house that need a good scrubbin’. 

5. Smart Jewelry

You’re probably already familiar with smart watches, but did you know that there are also smart rings, necklaces, and brooches to help track your activity levels, mindfulness, stress levels, and sleep? 

They don’t have to be ugly to be functional! You can get some pretty little pieces, like this gold necklace, that will keep you safe or help reach your wellness goals.

6. Instant Pot

photo of an instant pot surrounded by cooking ingredients

Instant pots have been all the rage the past few years, and for good reason. While I love my crock pot, an instant pot is much more efficient — and you don’t even have to defrost the meat first. 

7. Blue Light Blocking Glasses

By now, we all know that it’s bad to look at screens before bedtime due to the blue light they emit, disrupting quality sleep.

But we all still do it (right??).

Luckily, there’s such a thing as blue light blocking glasses, which enable a person to use devices while blocking out the harmful effects of the blue light.

8. Smart Photo Frame

I don’t have one yet, but a smart photo frame is definitely on my wish list! I have previously used digital picture frames that need to be connected to the camera or a memory card.

The problem? I’d upload a few photos, then never (ever!) get around to adding new ones.

But with a smart photo frame, you can simply upload photos via email or a smartphone app, making it ultra easy to update them anytime you like. And anything that makes a busy mom’s life easier is a winner in my book!

9. Long Phone Charging Cable

extra long cell phone charging cable which makes the busy mom's life infinitely easier

Ever wanted to use your phone while it was charging, but the cord wasn’t long enough to reach the outlet? 

Enter the extra long charger cord. Problem solved!

10. Wireless Earbuds

wireless earbuds

Gone are the days of tangled earbuds. With wireless earbuds, you have much better mobility — and the price on a set of these bad boys has come down quite a bit in recent years. 

Totally worth the investment!

11. Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

waterproof bluetooth speaker

The waterproof bluetooth speaker takes singing in the shower to a whole new level. Plus, these handy gadgets are weatherproof, so you can take them outside without worrying that they’ll get ruined.

12. Iced Coffee Maker

If you let your coffee sit at room temperature for long enough, it’ll eventually get cold enough to be considered “iced coffee”. But sometimes, every once in a while, you just might want iced coffee much more quickly. 

And that’s where the Hyper Chiller comes in. With this nifty device, you can get ice cold coffee in 60 seconds — without diluting the coffee at all.

13. Immersion Blender

immersion blender - gadget to make busy mom's life easier

I had my immersion blender for years….and LOVED it! We used it all the time to make smoothies. Sadly, it recently decided it had seen enough smoothies, and I ended up having to throw it away. 

Immersion blenders are much handier than a regular blender, and they can be used for a number of different kitchen tasks: making eggs, soup, whipped cream, and so on.

I really miss having one… Naturally, a new immersion blender is going on my wish list! 

14. Self-Watering Herb Garden

Imagine having fresh herbs at your fingertips — without having to put any effort into keeping them alive. 

With the Click and Grow smart garden, you can basically set it and forget it. (At least, until you’re ready to harvest some fresh herbs for tonight’s dinner!) 

It’s the ultimate gift for someone like myself who doesn’t exactly have a green thumb, but loves the idea of growing their own food anyway.

15. E-Reader

photo of an e-reader with reading glasses resting on top of it

While you can always read e-books on your smartphone, it can be a little difficult for those who like a little bigger text. An e-reader is the perfect solution. 

Consider the Kindle Paperwhite, which is The Wirecutter’s top pick for this year. It’s light and small, with a side-lit screen that allows you to read in dim lighting.

16. Wireless Phone Charger

While I like having a phone charger that plugs into my van, a portable charger is another great way to keep your phone charged when you need it on the go. 

They may not quite juice up your phone as quickly as a standard charger, but it still comes in handy when you’re out and about (and don’t want to mess with messy cables).

17. Temperature Control Smart Mug

Moms are notorious for having to reheat their coffee over and over again, but it never quite tastes the same as when it’s fresh.

A temperature control smart mug helps to solve that problem! It’ll keep your coffee warm until you’re able to come back and finish drinking it.

18. Smart TV

photo of a couple sitting on the sofa with a remote control aiming at a smart tv

A smart TV simplifies life infinitely. You can add all your streaming apps, from Netflix to Disney+, right to your home screen and easily access them at any time. 

It’s the perfect way to make a busy mom’s life easier!

19. Portable Camera Backup & Editing

Rather than taking a laptop everywhere you go, a portable backup and editing system, like Gnarbox, allows you to backup, edit, and share your footage from anywhere in the world (using an app). 

20. Portable Air Compressor

How often have you needed to quickly inflate a ball, bike tire, or even a car tire…with no way to do so?

The portable air compressor is incredibly nice to have, especially if you have stroller tires and bike tires that need to be inflated every so often. It even works for car tires in a pinch — although it does take a bit of time and patience.

21. Kinetic Stress Ball

For someone who gets stressed out, like busy moms often do, the kinetic stress ball is a fun stress-relieving gift! 

As it spins, it creates an optical illusion you (or the gift recipient) will enjoy watching as it melts the tension away. 

Gadgets to Make the Busy Mom’s Life Easier

Now that we have a list of super awesome gadgets to make a busy mom’s life easier, which will you choose? Do you already own some of these devices, or is there something you already have (and love) that’s missing from the list?

More Gift Ideas for Mom: 

15 Personalized Gifts for Mom (That She Actually Wants)

19 Consumable Gifts for Minimalist Moms

9 Simply Charming Succulent Box Gifts

21 Buzzworthy Gifts for Coffee-Loving Moms

13 Gifts for New Moms That AREN’T for the Baby

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One Comment

  1. OMG, I love this list because any mom needs help multi-tasking. I also have the Eufy robot vacuum and I love that it can vacuum for me while I’m working from home or doing other household chores. I bet you our grandparents wish they had robot vacuums back in the day!

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