This is where you’ll find any of our favorite home related products, whether you’re looking for cleaning and organizational tools, a kid-safe essential oil diffuser, or something else.

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eufy by anker

Eufy by Anker

While we don't typically recommend giving cleaning products as a gift, we're making an exception for this one -- the robovac is definitely a mom's best friend.

InnoGear Essential Oil Diffuser

If you're looking for an inexpensive all-in-one essential oil diffuser, humidifier, and night light, this is it.

Solo Stove Bonfire

A unique bonfire pit, this Solo Stove product is perfect for the whole family to sit around and stay warm on a cool evening (minus the smoke).

Image of two girls looking at their name labels - How to Get Organized for Back to School With Name Bubbles

Name Bubbles

If you’re not quite sure what Name Bubbles are, let me enlighten you! They’re some of the easiest to use and strongest-sticking customizable name labels — oh, and they’re waterproof. 

Air Fryer

An air fryer is the perfect alternative to the deep fat fryer; plus, you can use it for everyday cooking and baking (without turning on the oven in the summer!)

plant therapy kidsafe essential oils set

KidSafe Essential Oils

Plant Therapy's KidSafe (ages 2-10) essential oils set includes: Germ Destroyer, Eczema Helper, Immune Boom, Nighty Night, Tummy All Better, Sniffle Stopper.