Printable Baby Road Trip Checklist: 10 Items to Remember
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Check These Essential Items Off Your Road Trip Infant Packing List
If you’re looking for a printable baby road trip checklist, you’re in the right place!
My firstborn went on her first road trip when she was just five weeks old. We have spent a lot of time driving since then, and now she is a great traveler.
However, that doesn’t mean traveling with an infant is easy! It’s incredibly nerve-wracking when they’re little, especially if you forget to pack an important item.
I’ve put together this packing list for baby’s first road trip to help you make sure nothing is missed when getting ready for your travels.

(FYI: You will find the free printable checklist at the end of this post.)
Baby Road Trip Packing List
Check these items off your baby’s packing list before leaving home.
1. Clothing
It can be hard to know exactly how many outfits to bring, and what exactly you will need.
Here’s a good rule of thumb: Dress baby how you would dress yourself, then add an extra layer. Babies cannot regulate their temperature the way adults can, and they tend to get cold more easily.
Check the following items off your baby road trip packing list:
- pajamas
- shirts
- pants
- onesies
- socks
And since babies have a tendency to make messes (blowouts, spit up, etc.), I like to bring a couple extra outfits, plus extra pajamas.
You may need to bring more or less, depending on how long you plan on traveling, and whether you will have access to a washing machine while you’re away.
Pro Mom Tip: Be sure to pack extra clothing for yourself, as well! As you probably know by now, babies aren’t exactly known for containing their messes.
2. Diapering Supplies
You DEFINITELY don’t want to run out of diapers when you’re traveling!
Sure, you can always pick up more if you happen to be near a store at the time you run out. However, I would rather just bring enough to last the entire trip, if possible.
For a younger infant, bring about a dozen diapers for each day you’ll be traveling. You could probably get away with about eight diapers for an older infant.
And don’t skimp on wipes! Packages with flip tops are great when you’re traveling.
Remember to bring a changing pad and some diaper cream as well.. You never know when baby’s bottom is going to break out in a rash.

You might also enjoy: Review of the Best Diaper Cream for Cloth Diapers
3. Feeding Supplies
Babies can require a LOT of feeding supplies.
If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you shouldn’t need anything but a nursing cover if you choose to use one.
However, if you are bottle feeding, there can be a lot to remember.
Check these items off your road trip infant checklist:
- several bottles, as well as supplies for cleaning and sterilizing them
- plenty of formula and water, if you formula feed
- or if you’re a pumping mom, your breast pump and microwaveable sterilizing bags
For older infants, remember to bring travel-friendly food and snacks, as well as a sippy cup or two.
A few bibs will come in handy, as well — or bring your baby buddy bib clip, and you can use anything from paper napkins to a washcloth as an instant bib.
You might also enjoy: Top Five Breastfeeding Must-Haves for Your New Baby
4. Blankets
You will likely need to bring a few different blankets along. Of course, if your baby has a favorite, be sure to pack it.
However, you’ll want extras for putting under baby during floor time, covering up while nursing, wrapping baby in when it gets cold, catching spit-up, and so on.
We love the thin, muslin swaddle blankets — they keep babies warm, but not too hot.
5. Soothers
If your baby uses a pacifier, be sure to check it off your road trip packing list. You’ll probably want to bring a couple, just in case one gets lost.
Pacifier cleaning wipes and a pacifier clip might come in handy, as well. And if your baby has a favorite toy or lovey, make sure it gets packed in the diaper bag, or somewhere it will be easy to find in an emergency.
Younger infants don’t need much to keep them entertained. However, as babies get a little older, they need a little extra stimulation. Bring age-appropriate toys and books to entertain your infant on the trip.
Pro Mom Tip: Music was a lifesaver when taking my firstborn on road trips. If she started to get fussy, we would pop in a lullaby CD to help soothe her.
7. Appropriate Outdoor Gear
Depending on the season, you may spend some time outdoors.
Be sure to pack hats (a sun hat for summer or something warmer for cool weather).
Sunscreen if your baby is old enough (we prefer to wait till 12 months old, but this sunscreen is baby safe), along with a swimsuit or swim diapers if you plan on taking your baby swimming.
Remember to pack mittens as well, for fall and winter weather. You will also need to consider a coat, or at least a sweater in case the temperature cools down.

8. Bed for Baby
It’s an easy thing to forget, but be sure to check a bed off your road trip infant checklist. Your baby needs a safe place to sleep when traveling!
This may be a pack ‘n’ play, an Arm’s Reach bedside bassinet (which converts to a pack ‘n’ play), or something else.
It would be a good idea to pack an extra sheet as well, in case an accident happens. And a nightlight may also come in handy for middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes.
9. Stroller/Carrier
Depending on where you’re going and what you plan on doing, a stroller might come in handy.
Particularly if you plan on doing lots of exploring — the basket below the stroller is great for storing extra items, such as diapering supplies, extra blankets, and so on.
If you won’t need much gear on your adventures, a baby carrier or baby wrap is nice to have so you can keep baby close.
However, if you don’t plan on doing a lot of walking and exploring on this trip, you might be able to get away with leaving these items at home.
You might also enjoy: Best Baby Carriers for Summer + Hot Weather
10. Emergency Gear
There are lots of emergency items that don’t typically cross my mind when packing for a road trip:
- Plastic bags are nice to have for wrapping up smelly diapers, dirty clothes, and more.
- A first aid kit is always good to have for the whole family, from infants to toddlers, and even adults.
- Nasal bulbs, nail clippers, baby hair brushes, baby wash…these aren’t things we may think of, but they can come in handy at times.
- And, of course, remember to pack any medicine you might need, from Tylenol and gas drops to prescription medication.
What is the Best Age to Travel With a Baby?
While the first few months are generally the easiest to take a baby on a road trip, experts have warned not to use car seats as a general place for your baby to sleep in.
The advice is not to use car seats for longer than 30 minutes for babies younger than four weeks and not using car seats for more than two hours in one go for babies of all ages (source).
If you’re traveling with a baby by car, it’s crucial to stop frequently (every 30 minutes when baby is less than four weeks and every two hours if older).
How Do I Keep My Baby Happy in the Car Seat?
Traveling with a new baby can be stressful for everyone involved. Here are some ideas to make it a little easier.
- Soothe an upset baby with music
- Stop frequently
- Sit next to the baby if possible
- Pack toys and books (read to baby)
- Make sure your baby is comfortable
Get your free printable baby road trip packing list here!
Fill out the form below to grab your FREE copy of the travel packing list for babies, and you can download it to print as many times as you’d like.
When traveling with kids, I often try to start packing several days ahead of our departure date. This helps me avoid having to pack everything last-minute (which means I risk forgetting something).
I like to keep items I’ll need readily available during the drive inside the diaper bag, and everything else is packed in baby’s suitcase.
Safe and happy travels!