Welcome to my blog!

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Do you work an eight-to-five job?

Do you drop your kids off at daycare in the morning, sit at a desk all day trying to accomplish more than is humanly possible, then pick up your kids up after work and go home, cook dinner, give baths, change diapers, read bedtime stories, and attempt to get them to bed early enough so you can tidy up the house and have a little ‘me’ time before hitting the hay yourself?

Welcome to my world. I know there are many of you who can relate.

Oh yeah — I forgot to mention that we just bought a house and are still in the process of unpacking and organizing. So, you’re probably wondering why I’m taking on the added responsibility of keeping a blog.


Who am I?

Hi, I’m Tonya. Welcome to my blog! As you might have guessed from the name of my site, The Writer Mom, I am a mom and a writer. You can learn more about me by visiting the About Me page.

If you are interested in what I have to say about home improvement, travel, parenting, pregnancy and breastfeeding, green living, and other similar topics, I hope you come back soon! You can keep up with what’s new by subscribing to my newsletter.


Why am I here?

Everything I mentioned above is WHY I’m doing this. It’s not that I need one more thing to try to keep up with… But my goal is to work hard now so that one day this will be my ONLY job. Writing is my passion. So I took the plunge and enrolled in a few blogging e-courses, then purchased webhosting, and various other add-ons to make my site look as professional as possible. Knowing that I have money invested into it is what (I hope) is going to hold me accountable as I work toward that goal.


photo of someone blogging


Let me know you were here by leaving a comment, and feel free to make suggestions if you have ideas for ways I can improve my site. You can contact me at tonya [at] writermomforhire [dot] com

If you are a brand that’s looking to partner with me in creating high-quality content, please visit the Work With Me page to learn more.

Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you soon.


Update: Here’s where I’m at one year later!


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  1. I am currently learning to write. I am helping my mother in law write her story. It can be so healing. I also took the blog e course it was fantastic. See you around in the blogging world.

  2. Congratulations on launching your blog! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. It’s such a great place.

  3. Congratulations! My advice to you is to create a weekly schedule, learn how to use Pinterest and SEO, and know there will be many ups and downs but to have fun along the way.

  4. Congratulations on your new home! Yes, there is always more to do than time available. I don’t think it ever ends, just learning to manage it better.

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