Fun Winter Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers
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Toddler + Preschool Winter Activities and Crafts
You’re looking for some fun winter activities for preschoolers and toddlers who are bored at home.
Look no more! I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite preschool winter activities and crafts — things they can do both indoors and outdoors (if you want to brave the cold).
But before we get to the fun stuff, let’s talk about some ways to teach kids about the winter season.
Teaching Toddlers and Preschoolers About Winter
While we’re on the topic of winter activities for toddlers and preschoolers, I wanted to share a few ideas with you for turning it into a learning opportunity.
In addition to the activities I’ll be listing shortly, here are a few ways to teach young children about winter and snow:
- Look up songs and videos about winter on YouTube
- Help them put together a collage or mood board of things they associate with winter
- Read books about snow (my daughter’s favorite is Snow by PD Eastman)
- Discuss fun facts about winter while working on a craft together
And here are a few facts about winter:
- Every snowflake has six sides.
- Snowflakes come in all different sizes.
- Certain animals hibernate in the winter.
- Certain animals migrate before winter arrives.
- Nights are longer in the winter.
Indoor Activities for Preschoolers About Winter
Crafts and sensory play are great ways to keep younger kiddos occupied indoors when it’s too cold outside! Plus, it’s a good opportunity to teach them about this particular season.
Check out these fun activities for preschoolers about winter.
Melted Snowman Collage
This is a fun and super easy winter craft for preschoolers or toddlers. It was one of the activities we did at ECFE last year.
You’ll need:
– colored construction paper (any color works, but blue is a popular choice)
– white paper cut into small squares
– brown paper cut into the shape of sticks
– orange paper cut into a carrot shape
– black paper cut into 2 large circles, 5 small circles*, two boots, and one hat
– scissors
– glue stick
Let your child use a glue stick to stick the white squares all over the construction paper, resulting in a “melted snowman”. Then help them add the other shapes, or “features”, where appropriate.
*The two larger circles are the snowman’s eyes, and the five smaller ones are its smile.
Popsicle Stick Snowflakes
This is similar to the star ornament we made a couple years ago. It’s a simple but fun indoor winter activity for preschoolers and toddlers.
Your supply list:
– paint or markers
– craft glue
– sequins
– ribbon
– hot glue gun (optional)
You can color or paint the popsicle sticks or have your kiddo do it, and once dry, glue the three sticks together into a snowflake shape.
Let the glue dry and draw a line of glue down each stick. While the glue is still wet, let your child decorate the snowflake with colored sequins.
After it has dried, shake off any loose sequins, then hot glue a piece of ribbon or string onto one of the ends.
Hang your ornaments on the Christmas tree, in a window, or wherever you’d like to show them off!
Snow Sensory Bin
Sensory bins help kids develop their fine motor skills, plus it’s a fun activity for kids, pure and simple.
There are quite a few different ways to create a winter sensory bin, but there are three things you’ll need:
- snow or fake snow
- an assortment of toys (plastic animals, cups, scoops)
- a bin to put it all in
You can always use real snow or ice cubes, but if you want to make your own (and keep your kid’s fingers from freezing!), just mix 2 cups of baking soda with ½ cup of hair conditioner in a plastic bin.
You could use any container you have lying around the house, but a plastic tote with a lid works great if you want to use it over and over again.
Add any toys you’d like, although Arctic animals like these would be perfect for this sensory activity. You could even use this opportunity to discuss the types of animals that live in the Arctic and like cold weather.
No snow? No worries! Grab a package of Insta-Snow Powder here and you can make fake snow in seconds.
Outdoor Winter Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers
If you’re on the hunt for winter outdoor activities for preschoolers or toddlers, I’ve got that covered, too!
Here are a few things you can do when it’s cold outside (that aren’t the usual sledding or building a snowman).
Snow Painting
Take your little artists outdoors and have some fun painting in the snow!
All you need:
– empty spray bottles
– food coloring or gel food dye
– water
Simply fill the spray bottles with water, then add a generous amount of food coloring. (The more you add, the more vibrant your snow paint will be!)
You could also try gel food dye for a more vibrant color.
Shake it up a bit to combine, then head outside.
Adjust the nozzle for a finer or more concentrated mist. Then let your kiddos loose with their homemade snow paint!
Winter Scavenger Hunt
Head outside and look for various items found in nature:
- pawprints in the snow (or soil if you’re not in a snowy climate)
- fallen pine cones, leaves, twigs, etc.
- icicles or frost on windows
- and so on….
Give each child a basket and let them collect a few nature items, and turn them into a craft or art project.
Alternatively, you could have them look for “something brown” or something that makes a certain sound, like birds chirping.
Pretend the Snow is a Sandy Beach
Instead of sand castles, grab some beach pails and create snow castles. Or an ice palace. (This could be particularly fun for Frozen fans!)
Bury your legs in the snow and write your names in it with a stick.
Roll around in the snow, then run into the sauna or hot tub.
Have a picnic in the snow.

Which of these preschool winter activities and crafts is your favorite? Have you tried any? Let us know what your kids thought of them!
Read More:
10 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids + Toddlers at Home
21 Fun and Unique Christmas Gifts for Preschoolers
7 Fun Early Learning Activities for Toddlers at Home